Advanced Pilates Program
Intermediate thru Advanced Pilates
450 hours
The Advanced Pilates Program covers the Mat, Universal Reformer, Cadillac, Low Chair, Barrels and miscellaneous equipment from Intermediate thru Advanced levels. This course can be considered the second half to the Intermediate Program. We meet for 4 lab and lecture weekends, and the program includes a guided apprenticeship, anatomy course, case study, teaching evaluations, History and Philosophy test, Anatomy Test, and a Final Written, Teaching and Performance test.
1. Intermediate Pilates Program (includes all of the equipment) with Streamline or equivalent pre-approved training program
2. One year’s teaching experience
3. Accomplished at Intermediate Pilates
Course Description:
This course is the natural progression after having accomplished the Intermediate Program with Streamline. For those of you certified by another training program, the Advanced Studies program may serve as an excellent review and continuation of prior studies. It will provide you with new insight. The second half of the year is devoted to bringing one’s teaching skills to more advanced and vibrant levels. We adhere to the principles of Joseph Pilates and guide our classes and clients toward natural, flowing movement patterns. We explore new verbal cues and hands-on teaching techniques. We learn how to partner and progress a client using the appropriate levels and layers within the Pilates Method. We will combine all of the above skills to develop a themed lesson hour specifically oriented to the individual.
The required 450 Hours for Apprenticeship are as follows:
66 Lecture
100 Observation
125 Teaching
75 Personal Workouts
50 Lessons
20 Miscellaneous
8 Testing
6 Case Study/ Evaluations/Advisor Meetings
Trainees should anticipate dedicating an average of 12-15 hours a week for 25 weeks in order to complete their certification in 6 months time. Optimally, all hours are fulfilled at Streamline or at another pre-approved Pilates studio.
Application: $150 (non-refundable)
Deposit: $500 (non-refundable, applicable to tuition)
Tuition: $4,900
Testing: $700
Books (approx.): $100
Lessons and classes (approx.): $2,000
Total Cost (approx.): $7,850
Payments detailed on application.
Audit Cost:
Full Weekend: $500
Single Day: $275
*50% discount on this pricing available to STTP graduates.
Calendar for Advanced Pilates Program:
Please note: Trainings will be held live at Streamline, however, virtual attendance via Zoom is available.
Section 5: Honoring Mr. Pilates September 13, 14, 15
Section 6: Levels and Layering September 27, 28, 29
Section 7: Communication Styles November 1, 2, 3
Section 8: Coming Full Circle November 15, 16, 17
Weekends are organized as follows*:
Friday 2:30–7pm Orientation/Lab/Lecture.
Saturday 9am–4pm Lecture.
Sunday 9am–4pm Lecture.
*Subject to change