Rosemary Woolley
Rosemary sees her Pilates instruction as a journey with no end. Every day she’s sure she learns something new with her clients and together they work to constantly develop a deeper understanding of Pilates. Rosemary graduated with the first class of the Streamline Teacher Training Program in 2009 and has been a Pilates educator ever since.
Today she teaches in the Streamline studio where she finds inspiration in her exceptional fellow instructors and their dedicated clients. Rosemary is a firm believer that everyone can benefit from the Pilates Method and she feels it’s an honor for her to share her enthusiasm for Pilates with others, particularly the seniors for whom she volunteer-teaches weekly. In this older population, she sees firsthand the amazing results of Pilates, including improved core strength, mobility and vitality.
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Schedule a solo session with Rosemary:
Rosemary’s weekly class:
Beginning/Intermediate Equipment
Tuesday 6am, South Studio