Private training
Private Pilates master instructor session
Private Pilates instructor session
Private Pilates starting instructor session
Private Pilates apprentice instructor session
Duet session $45
Trio session $40
Quad session $35
Group equipment class
Economy equipment class
Mat class $18
Student mat class* $12
Student equipment class* $20
Introductory package
Our Pilates introductory package includes 3 private lessons and 2 mat classes. Our recommended package for new clients at Streamline. This is a great way to get started on your Pilates practice.
Other packages
10-Class card mat classes
A staple for the devotee, this card includes 10 mat classes. It’s our best value. $155
Mat class package
This package includes 10 mat classes and 1 private session. It’s a great option for our mat class clients. In addition, the private session allows you to work with an instructor one on one to brush up on technique, experiment and ask questions. $210
Equipment class package
Includes 10 equipment classes and 1 solo session. An ideal package that allows you to learn and use the equipment in the studio, then work with an instructor one on one to brush up on technique, move at your own pace and experiment. You’ll learn a few things that might not otherwise be taught to a group.
Special notes:
Please use your multi-session purchases within a 12 month period. No refunds awarded; credit can be used for any product or service provided at streamline.
Please note our 24-hour cancellation policy.
Amex, visa, mc, discover and local checks accepted. $15 Charge for returned checks.
*Student rate: the $12 / $20 rates apply to full-time university or high-school students. The student rate is available on all mat and equipment classes”, or “all Streamline mat and equipment classes.