
Welcome to Streamline’s Annual Spring Workshop

As part of our annual spring workshop program, we’re pleased to bring Cara Reeser and Jeremy Laverdure back to Salt Lake to present course number four in their Movement Science Made Simple (MSMS) workshop series. 

Stand and Deliver:
Understanding the Lower Extremity Kinetic Chain.

Most movement teachers and fitness instructors have studied human anatomy, but it’s difficult to make good use of that knowledge without an understanding of physiology and kinesiology. MSMS is a series of courses designed to teach Pilates and yoga instructors the essentials of movement science in a way that can be immediately applied to one’s own practice and teaching. These courses are designed for both instructors and practitioners.

Pilates Mat exercises

Friday March 16th

Master Mat Class taught by Cara Reeser

Friday, March 16, 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Streamline Studio North
1760 s 1100 e, Suite 3

Cost: $40

Our Master Mat Class is a Streamline tradition. This year it takes place on Friday, March 16th. This 1.5-hour class sets the stage for the weekend workshop to follow and we’ve made it available to any students of Pilates and the Streamline community at large.

Cara will bring her usual talents and her ability to hold the attention of a large group while running us through an upbeat mat class with several concepts and skills that we’ll workshop later. Cara believes in an engaging and enthusiastic approach to the Pilates Matwork. You just might find the exercises that are the most challenging for you suddenly accessible and enjoyable.

Pilates exercises

Saturday March 17 & Sunday March 18

Stand and Deliver: Understanding the Lower Extremity Kinetic Chain

Taught by Cara Reeser and Jeremy Laverdure

Saturday, March 17, 10:30am – 5:30pm
Sunday, March 18, 9:00 am – 4:00pm
Location: Streamline Studio North | 1760 s 1100 e, Suite 3

Cost: $575

Humans are bipedal animals, with the various muscles and joints of the legs working together to produce controlled movement through space.

In Pilates, we train in both gravity-eliminated and weight-bearing positions to optimize this upright functioning. By understanding how the hip, knee, ankle, and foot interact, we can more easily see where our clients’ movement goes wrong, and learn to correct and coach them safely and effectively.

In this Movement Science Made Simple course we’ll study the anatomy of the lower extremity, with an emphasis on how the hip and the foot affect the knee. We learn Pilates protocols for promoting mobility and stability in the lower extremity and examine common structural variations, such as genu valgum (“knock knees”) and genu varum (“bow legs”) to learn how to adapt our Pilates protocols to accommodate or correct these variations, as appropriate.

As teachers, our tools are demonstration, touch, and language. To be effective teachers our demonstration must be fully embodied, our touch supportive, and our language direct or poetic as needed. Movement Science Made Simple joins current concepts in anatomy, kinesiology, and motor learning with time-tested movement training strategies, giving workshop participants new skills to work with diverse client populations. This workshop offers 12 CEC’s: 6 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday.

Please note: it is NOT necessary to take MSMS courses in order.
Registration is directly through Movement Science Made Simple.



Workshop instructors

Cara Reeser and Jeremy Laverdure

Cara Reeser

Denver, CO
Pilates Aligned

Cara Reeser owns Pilates Aligned in Denver, Colorado. She began her initial studies in the Pilates Method with first generation Master Teacher, Kathleen Stanford Grant with whom she studied until her death in 2010. Before opening her own studio, Cara taught at the Pilates Center in Boulder for six years and it was during this time that she began to develop her own work and style of teaching, greatly influenced by her mentor. As a second-generation Pilates instructor and lineage carrier of the Kathy Grant work, Cara is a well-respected and highly sought-after member of the worldwide Pilates industry. Cara has also been a serious student of Yoga for more than 10 years, helping to round out her own knowledge of mind-body science.


Jeremy Laverdure

New York, NY
Sixth Street Pilates

Jeremy Laverdure, DPT, is a physical therapist and co-owner of Sixth Street Pilates in New York City’s East Village. Jeremy’s teaching is informed by his training at The Pilates Center of Boulder, his many years as a yogi and dancer, and his studies of Klein Technique with Barbara Mahler. While he continues to enjoy working with all types of clients, Jeremy has developed a special interest in teaching Pilates and Yoga instructors, bringing a broad-based movement studies approach to these disciplines. Together with Cara, Jeremy formed Movement Science Made Simple, a series of courses designed to teach Pilates instructors the essentials of movement science in a way that can be immediately applied to one’s practice and one’s teaching.